Vertical Shaft Gearboxes

Vertical Shaft Gearboxes

Vertical Shaft Gearboxes

Kumera SF-, SG-, E-Series - High External Loads Gearbox Range

The SF-, SG-, E-gearbox series are specifically designed for vertical shaft applications with high external loads. These ranges include in total 30 gear unit sizes, which are optimally divided to meet required torque ranges, ratios and shaft end load requirements.

The output shaft, bearings and housing are designed to withstand high external loads. The E-series gearbox can be equipped with a flanged output shaft to achieve the highest possible load capacity and bending stiffness.

The SF- and SG-series are equipped with lip seals. E-series gearboxes are equipped with drywell seals on the output shaft and labyrinth seal on the input shaft to ensure maximum usability.

The gearbox can be connected to a structure with a standard cast iron connection foot or an easily customizable plate foot to maximize versatility in final assembly.

Technical data:

Nominal torque rating:  0,5 - 850 kNm

Nominal power rating: up to 6000kW

42 catalogue gear ratios from 5,6 to 630  (special ratios on request)

30 gearbox sizes; shaft center distances from 80 mm to 800 mm

Weight: from 32 kg to 20 000 kg

SF-, SG- and E-series are a perfect choice for:

Pulp and Paper Industry, Material Handling Systems, Mining and Mineral Industry


Agitator drives, Cooling tower drives, Flotation drives, Mixer drives, Screw reclaimer drives, Vertical grinders, Vertical pulper drives

The SF-, SG-, E-series can be equipped with:

Motor adapter, Mounting feet, Mechanical fan cooler with air-deflecting cover, Heating element, Shaft end pump, Water- or air-cooled lubrication unit

Remote condition monitoring: Kumera Guard Gear 300.



High efficiency – minimizing power loss and saving energy

High output shaft load capacity – no need for support bearings

High thermal capacity – saving costs when cooling units are needed only in few cases               

30 gearbox sizes guarantee an optimal gearbox size – no need for over-dimensioning

Easily customizable plate foot to maximize versatility in final assembly