Kumera is one of the major players in industrial and marine gearbox solutions with production sites in Finland, Norway, Germany, Austria and China. Our production capabilities include a variety of standard and tailor-made gearboxes with an established engineering know-how. Our services include new product sales as well as maintenance program with original spare parts.
We at Kumera are happy to inform that Mr. Samuel Mallin has joined our team as the sales manager of Sweden and Denmark to help you with gearbox related issues.
Kumera offers services in Sweden and Denmark within the pulp & paper, Mining & Metals industries and Food & Sugar. Our new sales office also opens in Borås, Sweden. Here we may assist you to find the best solutions for your ongoing and future projects. Kumera Sales team with the lead of Samuel is looking forward in creating efficiency for our customers on the Swedish and Danish market.
Contact: Kumera Sales Manager Sweden and Denmark, Samuel Mallin, samuel.mallin@kumera.com, Borås
Phone: +46 73 77 00 323